It's been 7 weeks since I've taken on the Pasta Batch and their spicy Momma. The kittens are now 8 weeks old and I've gotten their biographies and profile photos uploaded to the database in preparation for their adoptions.
Mama Pasta took about a week to get her spice level from a ferocious Level 10 to a mild Level 1. She still spooks easily if you move too quickly towards her or make any sudden noise, but overall she's a very cuddly, attention seeking cat.
LEVEL 10 |
Her kittens have each developed their own unique personalities, with the two panthers being the most friendly and playful. I've found throughout my years of fostering that the black kittens are almost always the most loving, cuddly and sweet. The tuxedo kittens are SO SOFT. Their fur is like silk when you pet them. Lasagna is the most shy of the kittens, Penne the most vocal and Ziti the most willing to play with me.
Penne |
Ziti |
Now that the kittens are approaching adoption age, I've been slowly weaning the kittens off of their mother's milk by only allowing 1 or 2 kittens with her at a time. They all get to stay with her throughout the night, but I'll be ensuring that they slowly get used to eating more solids and having their mother's milk as a treat. Therefore, I've made Mama Pasta a 'weaning shirt' out of an old tank top. She may look a bit silly, but it does what it's meant to do.
I've put in a request for their vaccinations. Once that's done, then it's just a waiting game to find adopters for these cutie pies and their Momma!
Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association