The kittens are officially a week old today!
It's amazing how fast kittens grow. You'll see as I track their growth week by week. It's astonishing how much chonkier (I know that's not a word, but let's just go with it) the kittens get as the days pass.
I needed help to get the kittens' pictures taken for the database, so we brought them into the main bathroom for better lighting. Of course, Princess was not having any of it as each time she heard her kittens crying, she would try to retrieve them. I worked as fast as I could to get their pictures taken and returned to the safety of their kennel, but the stress of my husband hurrying me up and Princess's obvious unease with me touching her kittens only allowed me to take one quick picture of each kitten. I didn't have a few to choose from, so what I got was what I got.
I had two different piles of kittens: one pile were the kittens that had their pictures already taken and the other pile were the kittens that still needed their pictures taken. Well, in the middle of the mayhem, Princess started to bring some kittens from one pile to the other. Of course, this only caused more confusion as the kittens are similar in coloring so I couldn't tell which one was which. I had to just let Princess do her thing and go back to see who I had missed and tried to finish off the photo shoot that way.
As Mommy was named 'Princess', I stayed along those same lines and picked royal names for this Royal Family. Here are the results:
KING Arthur of Camelot |
KING George VI of the United Kingdom |
PRINCESS Grace of Monaco |
Henry VIII, KING of England |
PRINCE Rainier of Monaco |
QUEEN Victoria of the United Kingdom |
PRINCESS, Mommy of the Royal Family |
Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association