Tuesday, 29 September 2015


Another foster dropped off six 6-week old kittens yesterday for me to continue fostering as she is doing renovations to her home and cannot continue fostering them.

The minute I saw the kitties in the kennel, I thought "Little Cow Kitties!" as three of them have the same black and white coloring as dairy cows.

I did not receive their intake papers, which provides the kittens' individual cat code, sex, name (if already given), food they are currently eating, kitty litter they are using and any medical health information that I need to keep an eye on.  So for now, I have to just refer to them as the "black one", or the "one that looks like a bear" or "the white one with the patch over its eye".  The intake papers are being mailed to me, so as soon as I receive them, I will find out each of their respective names and finally determine the ratio between females and males in this litter.

In the ride over from the previous foster's home, one of the kitties did his/her deed in the kennel.  Of course, the rest of the litter stomped all over it and I needed to give them all baths when I brought them in.  While they were drying in the towel, I also gave them a manicure and pedicure and much to my delight, I did not have any protests from any of the kittens!

Most of these kitties like to have their bellies rubbed and will conveniently flip over for me to tickle their bellies.  *So*Darn*Cute!*

Dinner time!

Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association

Adoption application: