Mommy Aimee went to the vet to be spayed yesterday morning. I don't know about you, but I had to double-check that females are actually "spayed" and not "neutered". My quick internet research confirmed that:
FEMALES are Spayed and MALES are Neutered
When I picked her up later that evening, she seemed sore and I could barely hear her meows. The clinic gave her an identifying tattoo, clipped her nails and put a cute little pink bandage on her paw where her IV was. She was flicking her paw around and licking the bandage when I took her out of her kennel, so I gave her some food to distract her while I took the bandage off.
I'm sure Aimee did not smell the same to the kittens when she came back home as they seemed genuinely scared of her. Their backs were up, all puffy-tailed and growling.
While admitting Aimee at the vet, I was talking with the front desk assistant and telling her how Aimee was uncharacteristically not talkative for a Siamese cat. She thought that Aimee might be a mixed breed of Siamese and Himalayan, but after looking at Himalayans on the internet, I determined that Aimee was not fluffy enough.
After some further research into Siamese cats, I found that Aimee is actually a Seal Point Siamese, not a Chocolate Point Siamese. Some information that I gleaned from
Point vs. Seal Point
There is a lot of confusion between Seal and Chocolate
Point Siamese. Many "Chocolate Points" out there are actually Seal Points
that have been accidentally "misrepresented" as Chocolates. True
Chocolate Point kittens are rare!
A Seal Point's points are very dark (seal) brown, and can almost appear black,
especially from a distance. A Chocolate Point's points are a lighter
brown...more the colour of an Aero chocolate bar. The photo below displays the
differences between the Seal and Chocolate Points. Jasper (left) is a
Chocolate. Cleo (right) is a Seal.
Aimee definitely looks like a Seal Point Siamese |
So now I've got to go back into Aimee's profile and update her coloring as being a Seal Point and not a Chocolate Point ... although I doubt anybody who is not a Siamese breeder or a fan of the breed will really notice the difference.